LUVAS DUO: Struppi Hanneford and Truddy came over in the 50's from Germany....What a great import by Jack, Jake and Harry Mills. Mills Bros and Polack did posters with pic's.....
SIDEBAR: Why don't people BLOG in with names to go with the pictures.. Louie Del Moral with Carson & Barnes elephants on Cole Bros was one yesterdays pictures....That was and easy one...Come on how about and ID on some pictures
LUVAS DUO: Struppi Hanneford and Truddy came over in the 50's from Germany....What a great import by Jack, Jake and Harry Mills. Mills Bros and Polack did posters with pic's.....
SIDEBAR: Why don't people BLOG in with names to go with the pictures.. Louie Del Moral with Carson & Barnes elephants on Cole Bros was one yesterdays pictures....That was and easy one...Come on how about and ID on some pictures
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